Ornamental Pear

Ornamental Pear, Bradford Pear

Pyrus calleryana

Rosaceae (Rose Family)

▲ mature cultivated plants, showing characteristic pyramidal shape

▲ ▼ flowering plants in spring

▲ fall color of ornamental planting

▲ flower buds (tan, fuzzy) and leaves

▲ ▼ fruit (about 1/2 inch diameter)

wild seedlings invading an open field ▲ ▼

▲ ▼ thorns on root sprout trees

stout, thorn-like spurs on wild plants and rootstock sprouts (▲ above 3 photos)

▲ flowering wild seedlings along a highway

▲ rootsprouts from cut tree-- has thorns (shown on fence rail above)

▲ ▼ red fall color on trees along highway (above) and edge of pasture (below) in southwest Missouri

▼ (below 3) Ornamental Pears didn't fare well after January 2007 ice storm in Springfield, MO

Ornamental Pear: (not in Weeds of the Great Plains; not in Weeds of the Northeast)

  • Medium-sized tree, often branched near the base, with glossy, heart-shaped leaves and clusters of white, fragrant (some think not good-smelling) flowers in spring, followed by small (1/2" diameter) brown, rough-textured fruit
  • Can only produce fruit if two different cultivars are grown within pollination distance of each other
  • Commonly planted as an ornamental, but tends to experience branch splitting after 15-20 years of age, in windstorms or ice storms (often destroys above-ground portion of tree)
  • Root sprouts (after top damage) or seedlings often have stout thorns
  • Becoming invasive in central U.S.; can germinate in dense vegetation (pastures, roadsides, prairies, savannahs, fallow fields) and can flower within 5 years of germination; is not easily killed by fire or herbicides once stem is 1 inch diameter

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