Ox-eye Daisy

Ox-eye Daisy

Leucanthemum vulgare Lam.

(formerly Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L.)

Asteraceae (Aster Family)

▲ ▼ basal leaves

▲ plants with flowering stems elongating, buds formed

▲ flowers

Oxeye Daisy or Field Daisy:

  • perennial weed with fibrous and sometimes creeping rootstock that produces white daisy-like flowers
  • native to Europe; produces rosette of lobed, elongated leaves, then 1-2' tall flower stalks topped by white daisy-like flower 1" to 1.5" across, with yellow center
  • spreads by seed and creeping roots
  • found in infertile pastures, roadsides
  • Control: mowing, cutting, tilling; posteemergent control with herbicides applied in early summer or fall

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