Pampas Grass

Pampas Grass

Cortaderia selloana

Poaceae (Grass Family)

▲ mature, flowering plant

▲ ▼ inflorescences

▲ foliage

Cortaderia selloana: Pampas Grass

Location near campus: in ornamental grass bed toward southwest corner of Master Gardener areas north of Botanical Center Building in Nathanael Greene park at the Botanical Center.

  • warm-season grass native to South America, with about 1/2 to 1 inch wide and 24-36 inch long dark green leaves
  • foliage grows 3-4 feet tall
  • flowering stems are 4-7’ tall and are topped with a dense, creamy-white to pinkish-white, woolly panicle
  • foliage turns tan in winter, panicle bleaches to white
  • prefers moist, well-drained soils and needs full sun for best growth
  • marginally hardy here; usually takes at least one year after planting to flower
  • can be invasive in southern and western U.S.