Carya illinoinensis
Juglandaceae (Walnut Family)
▲ mature tree at Darr Agricultural Center
▲ ▼ leaves
▲ ▼ nut in husk on the tree
▲ nut (left) and fruit (right)
▲ bark and trunk
Location near campus: north side of Journagan Drive at Darr Agricultural Center and on East Loren St., just west of Kings
Carya illinoinensis: Pecan
- leaves alternate, deciduous, pinnately compound with 9-17 leaflets� usually 9-11; leaflets 1-3" long and 1/2 as wide, lanceolate
- fruit is oval nut, 1-3" long,, 1" diameter; husk splits partially in fall to release brown/black speckled nuts� is the source of pecan nuts
- prefers moist, fertile, well-drained soils� found in native stands in river and creek bottoms
- bark is brown to brown black and shallowly furrowed with age
- medium to fast growth rate
- native to Missouri