
Possumhaw, Deciduous Holly

Ilex decidua

Aquifoliaceae (Holly Family)

▲ mature tree/shrub in late summer

▲ ▼ late summer twigs showing leaves, ripening fruit

▲ ▼ fruit-laden plants along Table Rock Lake near Cape Fair, MO in mid-late fall

Location on campus: along concrete drainage running parallel to Parking Lot 24 entrance off National Avenue, in southern portion of retention basin at southwest corner of Grand and National

Ilex decidua: Possumhaw, Deciduous Holly

  • leaves deciduous, alternate, simple, obovate with crenate margins and rounded leaf tip; dark green above and pale green below with whitish pubescence on mid vein
  • leaves often born on short spurs after first season growth
  • stems gray with spur-like lateral branches
  • grows 10-15' tall and wide; more of a multi-trunked small tree than a shrub; will continue to sprout new stems from base of plant to make a large thicket if unpruned
  • plant is dioecious; female plants produce bright red berries which persist through fall into winter---very attractive on leafless plant
  • prefers full-sun, but tolerates moderate shade; prefers moist to wet soils but will grow in drier soils as well
  • medium to fast growth rate
  • native to Missouri