Dwarf Bamboo
Pygmy Bamboo, Dwarf Bamboo
Arundinaria pygmaea
Poaceae (Grass Family)
▲ colony of shoots about 8-10 inches tall
▲ ▼ close-up of shoots, showing the upper-stem branching
Arundinaria pygmaea: Pygmy Bamboo
Location on campus: on west side of parking lot between Glass and Temple Hall on MSU campus.
- Asian, running (creeping perennial) warm-season bamboo grass that grows 12-18" tall and forms dense colonies
- Leaf blades are short and broad (1/2-3/4" wide by 3-6" long) on short, stiff, branched stems
- May take awhile to become established and begin spreading, but can spread several feet per year after established
- Prefers part sun to moderate shade, but can tolerate full sun
- Prefers moist, well-drained, fertile soils, but can tolerate drier soils
- Can spread into lawns, but mowing will keep it from being evident