Royal Paulownia

Royal Paulownia

Paulownia tomentosa

Bignoniaceae (Crossvine Family)

▲ larger flowering tree in spring, before leaves emerge

▲ ▼ smaller flowering trees

▲ flowers

▲ fruit (the larger, round, pod-like structures)

▲ flower buds form the season before

▲ young tree showing fast growth rate

▲ large leaves

Location near campus: on Linwood, across from Xeriscape Garden

Paulownia tomentosa: Royal Paulownia, Empress Tree, Princess Tree

  • leaves are like northern catalpa, but opposite, very pubescent underneath and with strong odor, otherwise similar to northern catalpa
  • flowers are purple in terminal panicles, opening before leaves emerge in early spring
  • very fast growing, can be a weedy tree in some areas