Sawtooth Oak
Sawtooth Oak
(Quercus acutissima)
Fagaceae (Beech Family)
▲ small tree
▲ ▼ leaves
▲ trunk and bark
Location near campus: Close Park at the Botanical Center
Quercus acutissima: Sawtooth Oak
- leaves alternate, deciduous, simple, lanceolate with serrated margins with spines at tips of serrations; 3.5-7.5" long and 1/4 as wide; dark green above and glabrous and lighter green below
- stems gray brown and glabrous
- bark is deeply ridged and furrowed and medium brown
- grows 40-60' tall in rounded outline
- acorn has loose, spreading, shaggy scales enclosing 2/3 of acorn, nut is about 3/4" long
- prefers ful sun and well-drained acid soils, but very soil adaptable
- medium to fast growth rate; begins producing acorns at early age