Scarlet Firethorn
Scarlet Firethorn, Pyracantha
Pyracantha coccinea
Rosaceae (Rose Family)
▲ mature plant with fruit
▲ mature plant by west entrance to Karls Hall, MSU campus
▲ foliage
▲ fruit
Location on campus: just south of west entrance of Karls Hall
Pyracantha coccinea: Scarlet Firethorn
- leaves semi-evergreen, simple, alternate, elliptic with slightly crenate margins; leaves 1-2.5" long and 1/4-1/3 as wide; leaves glabrous, dark, glossy green above and duller green underneath
- stems woolly pubescent at first, then glossy brown with occasional 1/2-3/4" spines
- flowers in clusters on spurs on previous-season’s growth in mid-spring
- fruit is bright orange pome about 1/4" diameter ripening in early fall
- grows to 15' tall and equal spread, but can be pruned to keep in bounds; often an irregularly shaped plant without pruning; can be used as a hedge plant or trained on a trellis or wall espalier
- prefers full sun and well-drained soil
- can have problems with fireblight and apple scab diseases
- medium to fast growth rate