Siberian Pea Shrub

Siberian Pea Shrub

Caragana arborescens

Fabaceae (Legume Family)

▲ mature shrub

▲ ▼ foliage and fruit pods

▲ ▼ flowering stems

▲ foliage

▲ ▼ bark on stems

Location on or near campus: not known

Caragana arborescens: Siberian Pea Shrub:

  • leaves alternate, pinnately compound with 8-12 leaflets; leaflets bright green, oval 1/2 to 1 inch long
  • stems green, stiff, upright-growing; shrub grows up to 15’ tall and 2/3 as wide, but can be pruned to be smaller
  • flowers bright yellow pea-like in May to June; flowers form on past year’s wood