Silverleaf Nightshade

Silverleaf Nightshade

Solanum eleagnifolium Cav.

Solanaceae (Nightshade Family)

▲ ▼ single plants or small colony

▲ larger colony along roadside

▲ ▼ flowers and foliage of Oklahoma (above) and New Mexico (below) plants

▲ ▼ flower close-ups

▲ shoots emerging from creeping roots

▲ ▼ fruit

Silverleaf Nightshade:

  • creeping perennial plant with gray-woolly leaves and stems and brown spines on leaf undersides on veins and also on stems; grows 6-24" tall
  • leaves lanceolate with smooth or wavy or lobed margins
  • flowers blue to purple with yellow center
  • fruit a marble-sized green tomato-like fruit
  • usually found in dry and sandy soil--more common south and west of here

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