
Skeletonweed, Rush Skeletonweed

Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh.) D. Don ex Hook.

Asteraceae (Aster Family)

▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants

▲ basal stem leaves

▲ ▼ flowers and buds

▲ ▼ flowers and buds

▲ fruit

Skeletonweed, Rush Skeletonweed: (pp. 162-163 of Weeds of the Great Plains; not in Weeds of Missouri)

  • a much-branched, native creeping perennial plant of dryer soils with almost bare, light-green stems
  • grows 4-24 inches tall; leaves are scarce, linear, often dropping in dry periods
  • flowers are about 0.5-1" diameter, pink
  • grazed when small, but not grazed when older due to green, milky, bitter sap; may be toxic if grazed in greater quantities
  • occasionally seen in Missouri; more common west of Missouri

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