Slimleaf Goosefoot

Slimleaf Goosefoot, Narrowleaf Lambsquarters

Chenopodium leptophyllum (Moq.) Nutt. ex S. Watson

Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot Family)

▲ ▼ seedling, young plant

▲ ▼ young plants

▲ close-up of new growth showing whitish coating on leaves

▲ young plant

▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants

▲ ▼ mature plants

▲ flowering stem

▲ leaves

Slimleaf Goosefoot, Slimleaf Lambsquarters:

  • U.S. native, summer annual with linear to lanceolate medium to pale green leaves, 1-4" long, often with whitish powdery coating on new leaves
  • grows 6-48" tall, with few to many branches, often growing in a pyramidal shape
  • found in row crops, vegetable gardens, disturbed areas and non-crop areas
  • prefers fertile, cultivated soils--good indicator of good soil for growing
  • where it occurs, is similar to common lambsquarters in crop damage potential
  • there are several similar-appearing, yet different species of “slimleaf goosefoot" that might be found in various areas of the midwest, and where lambsquarters-like weeds appear to be a serious crop problem, exact identification should be determined to be sure control methods will be most effective

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