Star Magnolia

Star Magnolia

Magnolia stellata


▲ tree in summer

▲ ▼ flowering trees

▲ ▼ flowers

▲ leaves

Location on Missouri State University campus: west side of Siceluff Hall

Magnolia stellata: Star Magnolia

  • leaves alternate, deciduous, simple with obovate to oblong obovate with entire margins; 2-4" long and 2 as wide; dark green above and light green and glabrous below
  • stems slender, brown, glabrous and more closely branching than saucer magnolia
  • bark is smooth, gray
  • grows 15-20' tall, often more of a large shrub with many low-branches and/or root sprouts; usually oval or rounded form
  • flowers are white, fragrant with many petals appearing in late winter to early spring before leaves emerge-- one of the earliest flowering shrubs/trees; form on previous season’s wood
  • prefers same conditions as saucer magnolia (Magnolia x soulangiana)
  • slow growth rate