Sweetautumn Clematis

Sweetautumn Clematis

(Clematis terniflora)

Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family)

Clematis terniflora: Sweetautumn Clematis

Location on/near campus: on fences along alley south of campus that runs behind (on the north side) of the houses along Loren St.

  • leaves opposite, deciduous to semi-evergreen, pinnately compound with 3-5 dark green leaflets, sometimes with silvery mark on leaflets; leaves 2-4" long, lanceolate
  • rachis of leaf is tendril for clasping objects on which to climb
  • stems are slender, straw-colored with white pith
  • vine grows fast to 10-20’ in a growing season, but little lengthening of vine in succeeding years; often best if cut back annually or every other year to maintain dense growth & vigor
  • flowers are in axillary and terminal panicles, about1-1.5" across, white, very fragrant
  • flowers in late summer to early fall
  • feathery seed pods attractive after flowering
  • prefers moist, well-drained, fertile soils--can be weedy and invasive once established & will reseed, plus deep, fleshy roots hard to kill/remove

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