Thornless Honeylocust

Thornless Honeylocust

Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis

Fabaceae (Legume Family)

▲ ▼ mature trees

▲ ▼ mature trees

▲ ▼ leaves

▲ fruit

▲ bark (somewhat platey with age)

▲ branch form

Location on campus: along sidewalk south of Hill Hall; along sidewalk from Ellis and Craig Hall to corner of Grand and National Ave.

Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis: Thornless Honeylocust

  • leaves alternate, deciduous, pinnately or bipinnately compound; leaflets small, oval-shaped 1/2" long and 2 as wide with entire margins; rachis pubescent; leaflets bright glossy green
  • stems shiny, reddish-brown to greenish brown, zig-zag with swollen nodes
  • bark is gray-brown with scaly, platy ridges
  • flowers not significant; plant is dioecious; female trees bear long, twisted brown pods (up to 12" long)
  • grows 30-70' tall and 2/3 to equally wide; rounded to flat-topped open canopy
  • prefers full sun, very soil adaptable
  • wild species (Gleditsia triacanthos) has long (3-12") branched thorns on twigs, branches and emerging from trunk--not desirable in landscape
  • fast growth rate
  • wild species native to Missouri