Thunberg Spirea

Thunberg Spirea

Spiraea thunbergii

Rosaceae (Rose Family)

▲ ▼ mature shrubs in spring

▲ ▼ foliage

▲ ▼ flowers on golden-leaved cultivar

Location near campus: in center of Xeriscape Garden; the Xeriscape Garden is located at the northwest corner of National Avenue and Linwood, about 3/4 mile south of campus.

Spirea thunbergii: Thunberg Spirea

  • leaves alternate, deciduous, linear to lanceolate, 1-1.5" long and 1/4 as wide, with tiny marginal teeth; medium to pale yellow green in color; glabrous
  • stems slightly ridged, very slender, light to medium brown, slightly zig-zag
  • grows 3-5’ tall and wide, very fine-textured due to small, linear leaves and dense slender branches
  • axillary flowers are small and white about 1/4" across all along branches prior to leaf emergence (formed on previous-season’s growth)
  • should be regularly pruned to ground, or at least older stems removed to keep the fine branching evident