
Trumpetvine, Trumpet Creeper

Campsis radicans (L.) Seem. ex Bureau

Bignoniaceae (Crossvine Family)

new shoots from creeping roots ▲ ▼

▲ new stem growth, showing opposite, pinnately-compound leaves

flowering vine ▲

flowers ▲

fruit capsules ▲

Trumpetvine or Trumpetcreeper: (not in Weeds of the Great Plains; pp. 330-33, Weeds of the Northeast)

Location near campus: in hedgerow on west side of Dollison St., between Grand and Normal streets.

  • woody perennial vine with creeping roots in same family as Catalpa tree (Bignoniaceae)
  • climbs by aid of suckers that attach to trees, masonry or spreads out in fields
  • has toothed, compound, shiny leaves in groups of 7-11 leaflets
  • grows about anywhere, except under regular tillage
  • flowers orange, trumpet-shaped, attractive to humans and hummingbirds
  • fruit is a long, pod-like structure
  • spreads rapidly by seed, vines and roots

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