Variegated Bigleaf Hydrangea

Variegated Bigleaf Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Variegata Mariesii'

Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family)

▲ ▼ mature plant

▲ leaves

Location on campus: in triangle bed between Hill and Ellis Hall, along sidewalk that runs on the north side of these buildings

Hydrangea macrophylla: Bigleaf Hydrangea, Florist’s Hydrangea; Cultivar 'Varigata Mariesii' is a cultivar of Bigleaf Hydrangea

  • leaves opposite, deciduous, simple, ovate with serrated margins and pointed tip; 4-8" long and 2/3 as wide with fleshy texture; dark green above and glabrous to slightly pubescent underneath-- cultivar 'Variegata Mariesii' has variegated, white-edged leaves
  • stems light shiny gray or brown, seldom branching, often dying back each winter; pith is large and white
  • grows 3-6' tall as a rounded shrub of many upright, unbranched stems; but often dies back to ground annually
  • flowers are white, flat-topped corymbs “lacecaps" (sterile & fertile flowers) or ball-like corymbs (all sterile flowers); but flowers on previous season's growth, and 'Variegata Mariesii' dies back to ground each winter, so this cultivar does not flower in southwest Missouri
  • part shade to full sun conditions (more shade further south in range); prefers cool, moist, even conditions in moist, well-drained, fertile soils add extra peatmoss or organic matter & mulch plants well
  • fast growth rate