Variegated Bloodtwig Dogwood

Variegated Bloodtwig Dogwood

Cornus sanguinea 'Variegata'

Cornaceae (Dogwood Family)

▲ mature plant

▲ leaves and red-brown twigs-- coloring often more on side of twig toward the sun

Location on campus: on east side of metered/handicapped parking lot just south of JQH Arena

Cornus sanguinea: Bloodtwig Dogwood

  • leaves deciduous, opposite, simple, entire margined, medium to dark green above and lighter-green below; pubescent on both sides; 1.5-3" long and 1/2 as wide
  • stems slender, green to blood red to purplish on new growth, often green on stem undersides away from sun, or less color on shade-grown plant stems; prominent lenticels, pith large and white; older stems greenish gray
  • ‘Variegata’ has cream to white margined leaves
  • flowers are white in flat topped cymes in late spring, but not really showy
  • fruit is a purplish-black drupe
  • grows 6-12' tall and equal to wider spread; develops stolons and branches from base of plant to allow it to form colonies
  • prefers full sun, but shade tolerant; grows in any soil, but prefers wet soils; tolerates high pH soils
  • fast growth rate