Wild Hydrangea

Wild Hydrangea, Smooth Hydrangea

Hydrangea arborescens

Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family)

▲ ▼ flowering shrub (above) and flower close-up (below)

▲ ▼ flowering shrub (above) and flower close-up (below)

▲ ▼ flowering shrub (above) and flower close-up (below)

▲ ▼ flowering shrub (above) and flower close-up (below)

▲ flowers

▲ foliage

▲ post-flowering stem

Location near campus: on east side of Xeriscape Garden; the Xeriscape Garden is located at the northwest corner of National Avenue and Linwood, about 3/4 mile south of campus.

Hydrangea arborescens: Smooth Hydrangea, Hills-of-Snow Hydrangea

  • leaves opposite, deciduous, simple, ovate with serrated margins and pointed tip; leaves dark green and glabrous, lighter underneath; long petioles; leaves 2-8" long and almost equally wide
  • stems stout, shiny, glaucous when young sometimes, otherwise gray-tan-brown; older stems with gray streaks and exfoliating bark
  • flowers have sterile and fertile flowers; sterile flowers are more showy---start as greenish-white, then white, then tan to brown as they fade; flowers are in terminal clusters in summer
  • flowers on current season’s wood
  • grows 3-5' tall and wide in a rounded shrub; sends up root suckers to spread laterally
  • prefers partial shade and moist, well-drained soil
  • Missouri native
  • fast growth rate