Wild Radish
Wild Radish,
Raphanus raphanistrum L.
Brassicaceae (Mustard Family)
▲ ▼ young plants
▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants
▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants
▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants
▲ (above photo from University of Wisconsin's "Weed Garden")
▲ ▼ basal leaves on mature plants
▲ ▼ flowers, both the white/pale pink and yellow forms
▲ ▼ seed pods (siliques) showing long pointed tips (beaks) and constriction between seeds
Wild Radish:
- European-native, winter or summer annual that grows 1-2.5 feet tall, usually with a number of branches off main stem
- Produces a rosette of oval to lanceolate, rough-textured leaves, covered with stiff hairs; leaves deeply lobed on lower portions
- Flowers are small, pink to lavender to pale yellow in terminal racemes
- Siliques are 0.75-11.5 inches long pods that stand out from stalk at a slight up angle; fruits have a long beak, or pointed tip and siliques are constricted between the seeds, so that pods appear ridged
- Common in winter annual crops