Zebra Grass
Zebra Grass
Miscanthus sinensis var. zebrinus
Poaceae (Grass Family)
▲ mature plant
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▲ flowering plant
Miscanthus sinensis: Maiden Grass, Japanese Maiden Grass
Location near campus: in ornamental grass bed toward southwest corner of Master Gardener areas north of Botanical Center Building in Nathanael Greene park at the Botanical Center; also along the west side of the Xeriscape Garden at the corner of Linwood & National in Springfield.
- silver green leaves 4-6' long and about 1/2" wide and serrated margins
- general foliage height is 4-6'
- inflorescence is a digitate panicle produced in early to late fall arising 1-2' above foliage
- requires full sun; prefers moist, but well-drained soils, but is very adaptable except to very wet soils
- trim foliage back to ground in winter
- divide or move in spring to mid-summer
- common cultivars:
- var. gracillimus (Dwarf Maiden Grass) has more slender leaves than species, about 1/4" wide
- var. variegata (Variegated Maiden Grass) has white stripes running length of leaf
- var. zebrinus (Zebra Grass) has darker green leaves with 1/2-1' wide yellow bands running across leaf surfaces