Black Maple
Black Maple
Acer nigrum
Aceraceae (Maple Family)
▲ young tree at a golf course in Ft. Wayne, IN
▲ large tree in Springfield, MO
▲ ▼ leaves, with lower photo showing leaf-like stipules at base of leaf
▲ leaves showing characteristic "drooping" of side lobes
▲ fruit
Location near Missouri State University campus: large tree at southwest corner of Kings St. and Delmar
Acer nigrum: Black Maple
- Leaves similar, but more pubescent, generally 3-lobed, and often with prominent stipules at the base of petiole; sides of leaves tend to droop downward
- Buds more pubescent and more rounded than sugar maple buds
- More lenticels on twigs, twigs more yellowish than sugar maple
- Fall color is usually yellow or yellow-orange; usually not deep red-oranges of sugar maple
- Black maples are similar to Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple) and Acer platanoides (Norway Maple)