Common Chickweed

Common Chickweed

Stellaria media (L.) Vill.

Caryophyllaceae (Pink Family)

▲ seedlings

▲ young plant

▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants

▲ mature plants in lawn

▲ leaves

▲ ▼ flowers

Common Chickweed:

  • winter annual, with oval to lance-shaped opposite, light green leaves in the Caryophyllaceae (Pink) family
  • low-growing, branching stems with small (1/4"), white, star-like flowers that have five deeply-notched petals (looks like 10 petals)
  • grows 2-12" tall, with a 6-24" spread
  • prefers moist, fertile, partly shaded locations, but may grow anywhere
  • germinates in late fall, flowers in spring
  • not common in dense turf; more in new plantings or thin turf
  • similar species, thymeleaf sandwort, has smaller, less hairy leaves and the 5 petals are un-notched
  • similar species, mouse-ear chickweed is a perennial plant, and has more elongated flowering stems and the 5 petals are un-notched
  • control common chickweed by encouraging dense turf or pre-emergent herbicides in late summer, fall

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