Fastigiate English Oak

Fastigiate English Oak

Quercus robur 'Fastigiata'

Fagaceae (Beech Family)

▲ small trees, showing pronounced vertical form

▲ leaves

Location on Missouri State University campus: north of Strong Hall, by the satellite dish array

Quercus robur: English Oak

  • leaves alternate, deciduous, simple, ovate, with shallow lobes; similar to white oak (Quercus alba), but smaller and more blue-green; prone to mildew
  • stems red-brown to purplish, glabrous; buds larger, angled compared to white oak
  • bark gray-black with flat ridges and deep furrows
  • species grows 40-60' tall and 2/3 to equally wide; ‘Fastigiata’ cultivar has much more narrow habit-- only 10-15' wide, but still 40-60' tall
  • acorn is shiny brown and long (1-3") with top 1/4 enclosed in thin cap
  • prefers full sun and moist, well-drained soil; easier to transplant than white oak
  • slow to medium growth rate