
Horsenettle, Bullnettle

Solanum carolinense L.

Solanaceae (Nightshade Family)

▲ ▼ young sprout from creeping roots

▲ ▼ young flowering plants

▲ spines on stems

▲ ▼ flowers

▲ ▼ immature and mature fruit

▲ stem showing section of deep, creeping root

Horsenettle, Bull nettle:

  • spiny creeping perennial weed that spreads by creeping roots (similar to groundcherries)
  • spiny stems, leaf undersides; grows 6-24" tall
  • flowers white/lavender; marble-sized, yellow, tomato-like fruit
  • prefers sandy soils, but will grow in all but very wet or compacted soils
  • alternate host for the potato beetle, and should be controlled if potatoes will be grown in the area
  • can be controlled by post-emergent herbicides and shading
  • Similar species, Robust Horsenettle:
    • Flowers almost always purplish or purple-tinged
    • Leaves have larger, more rounded lobes than horsenettle
    • Leaf undersides have branched hairs with 8-12 branches per hair
  • Another similar species, Silverleaf Nightshade:
    • Flowers almost always purple or blue
    • Leaves and stems are covered in whitish hairs, giving them a silvery appearance; stems and leaves may or may not have spines
    • Stems usually unbranched until flowering commences; fruit is similar to horsenettle

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