Knotroot Bristlegrass
Knotroot Bristlegrass, Yellow Bristlegrass, Marsh Bristlegrass
Setaria parviflora (Poir.) Kergu�len
Poaceae (Grass Family)
mature plants ▲ ▼
▲ ▼ mature plants
stem bases ▲
inflorescences ▲ ▼
▲ emerging inflorescence
close up of inflorescence ▲
▲ ▼ ligule and collar region
▲ short, knot-like rhizomes
Knotroot Bristlegrass, Yellow Bristlegrass:
- Warm-season creeping perennial grass in the same genus as the annual foxtails (Setaria)
- Grows 12-36" tall and produces rhizomes that have knotted appearance (hence name)
- Similar in appearance to yellow foxtail, with stiff, upright, yellowish to reddish-yellow inflorescences on upright stems
- Leaf blades often more blue-green than yellow foxtail, and can be flat or with a fold at the midvein (younger leaves)
- Have few or no hairs at the base of the leaf blades (yellow foxtail has long white hairs at base of leaf blade)
- Stem bases/sheaths may be purplish or reddish