Kousa Dogwood
Kousa Dogwood
(Cornus kousa)
Cornaceae (Dogwood Family)
▲ ▼ flowering tree - flowers appear after leaves emerge
▲ young tree
▲ ▼ leaves, showing in-rolling, crinkling common on Kousa dogwood
▲ fruit
Location on campus: southeast entrance of Cheek Hall, and along east side of Cheek Hall
Cornus kousa: Kousa Dogwood
- leaves, young stems, growth habit and growth requirements similar to flowering dogwood
- flower bracts similar to flowering dogwood, but often have pointed tips; trees bloom after foliage appears in mid spring, about 2-3 weeks after flowering dogwood; flowers are held above foliage so have a horizontal layering of flowers through tree canopy
- fruit is a knobby red drupe about 2 - 1" diameter that is very attractive
- bark on older trees exfoliates to gray-tan-brown layers which is very attractive
- growth requirements similar to flowering dogwood, except it prefers full sun locations
- similar Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida), is native to Missouri, has clusters of individual, football-shaped fruit, flowers before leaves emerge, and has blocky, thick bark on mature trees