Accelerated Master's in Agriculture

Calves in a field

Take a quicker path to the finish line

You know where you want to go in your career. Get there sooner.

Earn credit that you can apply to your master’s degree and bachelor’s degree (major) at the same time.

How it works

Save time, money and graduate earlier with two degrees.

The accelerated master's in agriculture allows you to:

  • Complete up to twelve (12) hours of 600+ level courses that will count toward both your bachelor's and master's.
  • Earn your two degrees in 10 semesters (five years). Normally, you would need at least 12 semesters to earn both degrees.

This option is available only for Missouri State undergraduate students.

When to apply

To get on the accelerated option, you should:

  • Make the decision prior to or during your junior year.
  • Work with your advisor and the agriculture graduate program coodinator to develop a plan.
  • Complete the proper requirements and coursework.

The accelerated option is designed for highly motivated students.