Wildlife Conservation and Management Undergraduate Program

A student holds out a lizard on a herpetology field trip.

Safeguard natural habitats and wildlife

Discover ways to practice good stewardship of Earth's resources and ecosystems.

Preserve the natural world, educate others about their role in conservation and protect endangered species and environments.

Why major in wildlife conservation and management at Missouri State?


A student conducts a soil check in a prairie.
  • Dive into the sciences – Combine your interests in agriculture and biology. Enjoy courses where you can study animal and plant life.
  • Welcome new experiences – Get involved in research, field trips and internship opportunities. Develop your skills and do hands-on activities that will benefit your learning.
  • Qualify for your career field – Gain the work experience and credentials to work in zoos, aquariums, natural resource organizations and more.

Agriculture and biology: Get the best of both worlds

The wildlife conservation and management major is offered in cooperation with the biology department and the Darr College of Agriculture. You'll take courses in both biology and agriculture.

Depending on which topic you like more, you can pick one as your emphasis area.

  • Agriculture emphasis: Focus more on agronomy and horticulture.
  • Biology emphasis: Focus more on wildlife and natural habitats.

Plus, this major requires only basic courses in math and chemistry. It's a great choice if you want to work around wildlife or natural resources but aren't a numbers expert.

Review admission and program requirements

Degree options

You'll take courses in forestry, soils, ecology, fisheries and wildlife management, biology and plants.

With your elective courses, you can pursue a deeper emphasis in agriculture or wildlife biology.

Sample schedule
Review a sample degree plan that details your path to graduation.
Become a Bear
Bring college credit with you to Missouri State. Earn your bachelor's degree as a Bear.

Enhance your career potential with a master's degree

Many wildlife conservation and management majors go on to pursue a master's (graduate) degree. This will expand your career options and help you qualify for administrative positions.

An accelerated master's plan gives you a head start and helps you earn two degrees, sooner.

Two biology students look for reptiles near a log on the ground during a herpetology field trip.
Careers and outcomes
From education to enforcement, you can help protect nature and animals.

Passionate about wildlife? Explore a similar program based in biology

Within the biology major, you can choose a focus area in wildlife and fisheries.

This track can help you become a Certified Wildlife Biologist (CWB) or pursue federal roles.