Jagged Chickweed

Jagged Chickweed

Holosteum umbellatum L.

Caryophyllaceae (Pink Family)

▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants

▲ ▼ flowers

▲ stem with leaves, flower buds

▲ late spring plant showing vertically-elongated post-flowering stems typical of species

Jagged Chickweed:

  • European-native, winter annual in the Caryophyllaceae (Pink) family
  • flowers similar to mouse-ear chickweed at first appearance, but the opposite leaves of jagged chickweed are smooth, light gray-green with pointed tips, and join together around the stem
  • More upright growth than common chickweed, but smaller plants: 2-6" tall and 2-3" wide
  • leaf petals are jagged in appearance
  • usually flowers before mouse-ear chickweed

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