Large Crabgrass
Large Crabgrass, Hairy Crabgrass
Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.
Poaceae (Grass Family)
seedlings ▲
▲young plant
▲ ▼ mature plants
▲ ▼ close up of hairs on leaf blades, sheaths
Large Crabgass, Hairy Crabgrass:
- also with spreading growth habit, similar to southern crabgrass and smooth crabgrass, but can grow to 12-24" tall and equally wide
- digitate panicles with 4-9 panicle branches that are 1.75-5.5" long
- leaves have hairs on both sides of blade and long hairs on the sheath; usually dark green in color, sometimes turning dark red on sheaths and stem as plants mature
- leaf midvein is prominent
- stems also root at the nodes
- inflorescence is a digitate panicle with 3-5 branches