Smooth Crabgrass

Smooth Crabgrass

Digitaria ischaemum (Schreb.) Schreb. ex Muhl.

Poaceae (Grass Family)

seedlings ▲

young plants ▲ ▼

mature plants ▲ ▼

inflorescence ▲

collar and ligule regions ▲ ▼

Smooth Crabgrass:

  • warm-season, annual grass with spreading growth habit, sometimes rooting at nodes; 2-18" high; panicle inflorescence with 5 -10 branches in somewhat digitate panicle arrangement, with 2-6 panicle branches, 1-3.5" long
  • stems often growing in zig-zag habit along the ground
  • has, at most, only a few hairs on leaf blades near collar region, and no hairs on sheath, compared to large crabgrass or southern crabgrass
  • leaf midvein is not prominent, if sheath or stem has any color besides green, is often more purplish than reddish
  • can survive and reproduce under close mowing situations
  • requires light to germinate; may germinate over long periods in southern Missouri
  • spreads over adjacent plants, shading them and weakening them

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