Grapevine Resistance-gene Exploration and Expression Database (GREED)

GREED is a resource of grapevine genes that are associated with defense against pathogens and pests. It contains comparative analysis of each gene between disease susceptible and resistant grape species. You will find alignments of grapevine resistance genes and their expression profiles.

Be GREEDy for more grapevine resistance genes.


GREED provides a platform for grapevine researchers to release scientific data in a timely manner. The goal of GREED is to accelerate the understanding of the roles of defense-related genes in grapevine biology. The data are made available without further editing, and therefore perfection or completeness of the data is not warranted by GREED.

The immediate release of the data and information does not constitute scientific publication and, therefore, is not intended to allow others to preempt submitter’s scientific publications. To reproduce, redistribute, transfer, or publish any information or data from GREED in whole or in part, you must acquire a prior written permission from the data submitter. If the data or figures are used in any publications upon agreement of submitters, proper acknowledgement should be given to submitters and to GREED.

GREED is a service website. It does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility. The accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed is determined entirely by submitters and not by GREED.