Selected Publications
Ali M, Howard S, Chen S, Wang Y, Yu O, Kovacs L, Qiu W (2011) Berry skin development in Norton grape: Distinct patterns of transcriptional
regulation and flavonoid biosynthesis. BMC Plant Biology 11: 7 (
Marsh E, Alvarez S, Hicks LM, Barbazuk WB, Qiu W, Kovacs L, Schachtman D., (2010) Changes in Protein Abundance During Powdery Mildew
Infection of Leaf Tissues of Cabernet Sauvignon Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). Proteomics, 10:2057-2064 (
Fei Gao, Xiaomei Shu, Mohammad Babar Ali, Susanne Howard, Nan Li, Patrick Winterhagen, Wenping Qiu, Walter Gassmann, (2010) A functional EDS1 ortholog is differentially regulated in powdery mildew resistant and susceptible grapevines and complements an Arabidopsis eds1 mutant, Planta, 231:1037-1047 (
S. Lunden, B. Z. Meng, J. Avery and W. P. Qiu (2010) Association of Grapevine fanleaf virus, Tomato ringspot virus and Grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated virus with a grapevine vein-clearing complex on var. Chardonnay . European Journal of Plant Pathology 126:135-144. doi: 10.1007/s10658-009-9527-y (
C. Fekete, R. W. M. Fung, Z. Szabó, W. P. Qiu, Le Chang, D. P. Schachtman, and L. G. Kovács, (2009) Up-regulated transcripts in a compatible powdery mildew-grapevine interaction. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 47:732-738. (Online abstract)
Patrick Winterhagen, Susanne F. Howard, W. P. Qiu, and László G. Kovács (2008) Transcriptional up-regulation of grapevine MLO genes in response to powdery mildew infection. American Journal of Viticulture and Enology, 59:159-168 (
Fung RWM, Gonzalo M, Fekete C, Kovacs LG, He Y, Marsh E, McIntyre LM, Schachtman DP, Qiu W. P. (2008) Powdery mildew induces defense-oriented reprogramming of the transcript to me in a susceptible but not in a resistant grapevine. Plant Physiology, 146: 236-249 (
Qiu, W. P., Avery, JD, Jr. Lunden S (2007) Characterization of a severe virus-like disease in Chardonnay grapevines in Missouri (Brief). Plant Health Progressdoi:10.1094/PHP-2007-1119-01-BR
Fung RWM, Qiu W. P., Su YC, Schachtman D, Huppert K, Fekete C, Kovacs LG (2007) Gene expression variation in grapevine species Vitis vinifera L. and Vitis aestivalis Michx. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54: 1541-1553(
X. Y. Zhong, H. S. Hou and W. P. Qiu (2005)The integrity of nonviral fragments in a recombinant Tomato bushy stunt virus and defective interfering RNA is influenced by silencing and the type of inserts. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 18:800-807(online abstract)
J. Cawly, A. B. Cole, L. Kiraly, W. P. Qiu and J. E. Schoelz (2005) Genetic suppression of cell death during the hypersensitive response to Cauliflower mosaic virus infection. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 18:212-219 (online abstract)
W.P. Qiu and K.-B. G. Scholthof (2004). Satellite panicum mosaic virus capsid protein elicits symptoms on a non-host plant and interferes with a suppressor of virus-induced gene silencing. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 17:263-271(online abstract)
W. P. Qiu, Sándor Fekete, Tabitha Todd and K. G. Laszlo (2004). Facilitation of microshoot tip propagation of Vitis aestivalis var. Norton by combined application of an antioxidant and cytokinins. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 55:112-114 (
H. S. Hou and W. P. Qiu (2003). A novel co-delivery system consisting of a Tomato bushy stunt virus and a defective interfering RNA for studying gene silencing. Journal of Virological Methods 111, 37-42(online abstract)
W. P. Qiu, J.-W. Park, and H. B. Scholthof, (2002). Tombusvirus P19-suppression of virus induced gene silencing is controlled by genetic and dosage features that influence pathogenicity. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15, 269-280(online abstract)
W. P. Qiu and H. B. Scholthof (2001).Effects of inactivation of the coat protein and movement genes of Tomato bushy stunt virus on early accumulation of genomic and subgenomic RNAs. Journal of General Virology. 82:3107-3114 (online article)
W. P. Qiu and K.-B. G. Scholthof, (2001). Defective interfering RNAs of Satellite panicum mosaic virus accumulate to high levels without affecting replication of the helper virus or satellite RNAs. The Journal of Virology, 75:5429-5432 (online article)
W. P. Qiu and K. –B. G. Scholthof, (2001). Genetic identification of multiple biological roles associated with the capsid protein of Satellite panicum mosaic virus. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 14:21-30 (online abstract)
W. P. Qiu and H. B. G. Scholthof, (2001). Retention of a small replicase gene segment in Tomato bushy stunt virus defective RNAs inhibits their trans-replication by the helper virus. Virology, 281, 51-60 (online abstract)
W. P. Qiu and K. –B. G. Scholthof, (2000). In vitro and in vivo generated defective RNAs of satellite panicum mosaic virus define cis-acting RNA elements required for replication and movement. Journal of Virology. 74:2247-2254 (online article)
W. P. Qiu and J. W. Moyer. (1999). Tomato spotted wilt Tospovirus adapts to the TSWV N gene-derived resistance by genome reassortment. Phytopathology 89:575-582.(
W. P. Qiu, S. M. Geske, C. M. Hickey and J.W. Moyer. (1998). Tomato spotted wilt Tospovirus genome reassortment and genome segment-specific adaptation. Virology 244: 186-194.(online abstract)
W. P. Qiu, Y. Z. Zhou, and D. M. Ding. (1990). Changes of isoenzymes from citrus trees infected by citrus exocortis viroid. Chinese. J. Virol. 6(2): 196-198
K. Hoffmann, W. P. Qiu, and J. W. Moyer (2001). Overcoming host- and pathogen- mediated resistance in tomato and tobacco maps to the M RNA of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 14, 242-249 (online abstract)