Distillation Basics Workshop

Missouri State University Winery and Distillery

You must be at least 21 years old to attend this workshop.

Registration fee of $450 includes lunches and support materials.


Program details

The Distillation Basics Workshop is designed for those considering or already involved in craft distillation. The program is limited to eight participants to provide a personalized learning experience. Lecture and demonstration will be conducted in the distillery at Mountain Grove during the two-day training session. Those attending will receive a booklet that covers the lecture information where notes can be taken for future referencing. Lunch and refreshments during breaks are provided each day.

Topics covered include:

  • Basics of the distillation process and equipment
  • Demonstrations will be carried out with a Bavarian Holstein column still with reflux
  • Basics of materials used to make distilled products with emphasis on rum and brandy
  • Using sensory evaluation to determine when to make cuts between the heads, hearts and tails during the distillation process
  • Proofing
  • Aging spirits
  • Finishing spirits

The Missouri State University Winery is a commercially licensed winemaking and distillation facility located at the Fruit Experiment Station in Mountain Grove, Missouri. The workshop is offered by the MSU Darr College of Agriculture, Dr. Melissa Bledsoe, Dean. The distillation program has commercially produced rum, brandies, and liqueurs. 

Presented by:

Dr. Karl Wilker
Research Professor of Enology and Distillation

Jeremy Emery
Cellar Technician


Leslie Akers
Workshop Facilitator

Missouri State University
Winery and Distillery
Darr College of Agriculture
Fruit Experiment Station at Mountain Grove
9740 Red Spring Road
Mountain Grove, MO 65711-2999