BS Four-Year Degree Plan: Natural Resources
The natural resources degree may be completed in four years or eight semesters. However,
the four-year degree plan does not take into account dual credit or transfer credit that you may bring with you upon admission to the university.
Sample schedule
This plan is a recommended course schedule. Your schedule may vary depending on course
availability and electives. Review the class schedule and consult with your advisor to develop a program of study that fulfills program
requirements and prepares you for your career.
The following degree plan, last reviewed 07-02-2018, is based on the 2018-19 catalog and Missouri State general education requirements.
First semester (fall)
Courses |
Hours |
Social and Behavior Sciences - General Education |
3 |
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Natural Resources Electives |
1-2 |
Total hours |
15-16 |
Second semester (spring)
Courses |
Hours |
Natural Resources Electives |
1-2 |
Social and Behavior Sciences - General Education |
3 |
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Total hours |
14-16 |
Third semester (fall)
Courses |
Hours |
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Total hours |
15 |
Fourth semester (spring)
Courses |
Hours |
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Humanities - General Education |
3 |
Total hours |
17 |
Fifth semester (fall)
Courses |
Hours |
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Cultural Competence - General Education |
3 |
Total hours |
14-15 |
Sixth semester (spring)
Courses |
Hours |
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The Arts - General Education |
3 |
General Electives |
3 |
Total hours |
15 |
Seventh semester (fall)
Courses |
Hours |
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Natural Resources Electives |
3 |
General Electives |
6-7 |
Total hours |
16-17 |
Eighth semester (spring)
Courses |
Hours |
Public Issues - General Education |
3 |
Crop Production Elective |
3 |
General Electives |
10-11 |
Total hours |
16-17 |