Centennial Garden Establishment
Summer, 2003
Research on the plants common to the early 1900's has been conducted and a tentative plant list has been constructed. Plant sources have also been researched and a list of sources we plan to use has been determined. The border has been measured and the design is underway. The area has been marked and glyphosate herbicide has been applied to kill the turf before tilling the area.
Garden was tilled several times in order to get ready for fall planting. The plant orders were made to get ready for fall. Peat moss (1 inch) was tilled into the soil to amend the clay soil. A soil sample was taken and analyzed.
Fall 2003
Krista Bassen of Missouri State Design and Construction developed the designs for a metal garden arbor and trellis.
We installed aluminum edging and flat rock. Roses, peonies, and daylilies were planted in fall of 2003.
Winter 2003
Plants ordered for spring.
Spring, 2004
Additional organic matter (3 inches of cow manure and sphagnum peat moss) was tilled into the soil around the plants installed in fall. The arbor and trellis were painted and installed. The majority of the plants for the garden were planted in May. A Hosta plantaginea was donated to the project by Joe and Susanne Jeffery of Hosta Oasis near Lebanon, Missouri.
Summer, 2004
Garden was hand weeded about every 10 days to 2 weeks. A follow-up soil sample was taken and analyzed. The trickle irrigation system was installed and mulch was applied. We had what we thought to be an armadillo problem, so we put mothballs around the perimeter of the garden to see if we could discourage the pest. We realized later that a skunk was visiting the garden and lived under the large electrical box nearby. No major damage from this creature.
Fall, 2004
Irrigation timers were taken in after watering the garden on schedule throughout the very dry September. The 'New Dawn' rose has reached the top of the arbor which is a good sign. We hope it travels across the top of the arbor next year.
Winter 2004
Final plans made for the completion of the garden.
Spring, 2005
Replacement plants planted. Benches built and urns purchased and planted. Historical display developed.
The Centennial Garden was dedicated on June 17, 2005 as part of the Missouri State Centennial Celebration.