Garden Design
Key to plants
- Hydrangea quercifolia 'Pee Wee' - Oak Leaf Hydrangea (1)
- Rosa rugosa - ‘Frau Dagmar Hartopp’ - Shrub Rose (5)
- Rose - 'Cecile Brunner' - Shrub rose (5)
- Spiraea nipponica ‘Snowmound’ - Dwarf Bridal Wreath Spiraea (2) Climbers
- Clematis jackmannii - Climbing Clematis (1)
- Hydrangea anomala petiolaris - Climbing hydrangea (2)
- Rose – 'New Dawn' - Climbing rose (2) Perennials
- Anemone tomentosa robustissima - Japanese Anemone (18)
- Aster Novi-Belgii 'Prof. Kippenburg' - Dwarf Aster (9)
- Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' - Tickseed (18)
- Dianthus 'Bath's Pink' - Pinks (72)
- Digitalis grandiflora 'Ambigua' - Perennial Foxglove (18)
- Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' - Purple Coneflower (15)
- Gaura lindheimeri ‘Whirling Butterflies’ - Wand Flower (2)
- Geranium sanguinium ‘Striatum’ (Lancastrience) – Cranesbill (72)
- Geranium sanguinium - Cranesbill (12)
- Hemerocallis ‘Hyperion’ - Daylily (12)
- Hemerocallis flava - Lemon Lily (12)
- Hosta plantagenea - Fragrant Hosta (3)
- Iberis 'Autumn Beauty' – Candytuft (72)
- Lavender ‘Hidcote’ – English Lavender (6)
- Miscanthus variegatus - Japanese Silver Grass (1)
- Miscanthus Yaku-Jima - Dwarf Japanese Silver Grass (3)
- Nepeta mussinii - Catmint (32)
- Pennisetum alope Cassian - Fountain Grass (9)
- Peony ‘Couronne d'Or’ - Calot 1873 Late double white (1)
- Peony ‘Felix Crousse’ - Crousee, 1881 Red (1)
- Peony ‘Mons. Jules Elie’ - Crousse, 1888 Fragrant, large double, light rose pink (1)
- Peony ‘Nick Shaylor’ - Allison, 1931 Blush or light pink (1)
- Peony ‘Nippon Beauty’ - Auten, 1927 Deep garnet, Japanese, lactiflora cultivar (1)
- Peony ‘Sarah Berhardt’ - Lemoine, 1906 Dark pink rose flowers (1)
- Peony ‘Shaylor's Sunburst’ - Shaylor, 1931 White with a blush cast (1)
- Peony ‘Solange’ - Lemoine, 1907 Buff-white (1)
- Peony ‘Zus Bran’ - Van der Meer, 1928 Ivory white tinged lilac and carmine (1)
- Poppy - Emma’s Ozark Orange (1)
- Sedum spectabile ‘Autumn Joy’ – Stonecrop (9)
- Thymus serpyllum 'Elfin' - Creeping Thyme (32)
- Veronica spicata ‘Sunny Border Blue’ - Speedwell (12) Annuals will vary from year to year.
Plant list based on the Authentic Plants for Period Landscape Settings 1850 – 1900 in Landscapes and Gardens for Historic Buildings Rudy J. Favretti and Joy P. Favretti Altimira Publishers, 212 pgs.
Garden design by Marilyn Odneal, State Fruit Experiment Station. Trellis and arbor design by Krista Bassen, Missouri State Design and Construction.