The Art of Beautifying Suburban Home Grounds. 1870. Reprinted as Victorian Gardens Part 1: Suburban Home Grounds by Frank J. Scott with a new introduction by David Schuyler. Library of Victorian Culture American Life Foundation, Watkins Glen, NY 1982.
For Every House A Garden; A Guide for Reproducing Period Gardens. 1990. Rudy and Joy Favretti. University Press of New England, Hanover, and London. 137 pp.
Greener Pastures: The history of the lawn mower and innovations that keep our lawns green. Mary Bellis.
Landscapes and Gardens for Historic Buildings; A handbook for reproducing and creating authentic landscape settings. (1978) 2nd ed. revised 1997. R. J. Favretti and J. P. Favretti. Altamira Press. 201 pp.
A Midwestern Garden. 2004. Presentation by Nina Koziol at The Midwest Gardening Symposium, March 19-21, Thornhill Education Center, Lisle, Illinois, Sponsored by Fine Gardening Magazine and The Morton Arboretum.
The Once and Future Gardener: Garden Writing from the Golden Age of Magazines 1900-1940. 2000. Virginia Tuttle Clayton. David R. Godine Publisher. 312 pp.
Post-Victorian Houses: Landscape and Garden. 1986. Scott G. Kunst. The Old House Journal (April, 1986) pp. 128 - 135.
Restoring American Gardens: An encyclopedia of heirloom ornamental plants 1640 - 1940. 2004. Denise Wiles Adams. Timber Press. 419 pp.
The Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for the Treatment of Cultural Landscapes. Historic Landscape Initiative, National Park Service,
Historic Landscaping, Historic Nashville Online,
Historic Planting Tips, Historic Nashville Online,